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Are Your Feet Buried Beneath the Sand?

We love to visit Sephora and check out our favorite beauty boards on Pinterest. A single day doesn't go by without us checking the mirror to check out just how awesome we look. Be it our eye makeup or lipstick application, everything has got to be perfect! But is that enough? Now I know the naysayers will say simplicity is much better. All you need is lip-gloss and you're good to go. But I beg to differ. Being beautiful isn't just about applying makeup well. It goes skin deep! Just how deep? I'm talking about being beautiful head-to-toe! One of my pet peeves is callused feet! 

Calluses cause the bottom of our soles to become cracked and dried. It's not just that they look hideous, callused feet are itchy and painful. Beyond the pain and embarrassment of being to told to bury feet into the sand, if left untreated, diseases can enter into our bodies through tiny cracks! 
Medical experts believe calluses are caused by extensive pressure on our feet. Walking or standing on hard surfaces, wearing very high heels, tight socks and tight shoes are the leading factors!

After being told by more than one person that my feet resemble that of a peacock, I decided to take action before the condition of my feet worsen. One of the most common tips I've heard from almost everyone is to use petroleum jelly religiously. After applying a thick layer of petroleum jelly, wear socks and you'll see improvement in no time. Now I'm sure this technique may work for some people, it didn't do the trick for me! My callused feet needed something more intensive!

I tried different callus creams and had pedicures done on a monthly basis. Although, I did see some improvement, my callused feet didn't seem to get truly better. I especially envied my brother's baby soft feet. He is usually bare-footed yet there isn't a callus in-sight! Wonder why I didn't get the good genes! The condition of my heels would worsen when I stopped treatment altogether. I thought my case was hopeless until I discovered Amope Pedi Perfect

The electronic foot file is a revolutionary product! It's battery-operated and is easy to use. It's designed to handle stubborn hard skin that thought it wouldn't get the makeover it deserves. Buffed away in minutes, your dry and callused feet can become as smooth as butter! At first I was a skeptic. After all, I've tried countless number of products designed to improve the look and feel of my feet. I decided to give the electronic foot smoother a chance after reading its' rave reviews online! It wasn't until I use Amope Pedi Perfect that I became a believer! My rough skin is no more and has stayed that way! No need to purchase callus creams and go for expensive pedicure treatments! You can have beautiful feet at the comfort of your home! 

Here's how to use it:

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